Monday 24 August 2015

My second parkerizing attempt

Hi there!

I was home relatively early on Friday afternoon and decided that I want to see if I can parkerize the parts that failed to parkerize last week.

Here is the set-up for the second attempt.

On the left (you can just see the Pyrex dish) is the pickling acid.  I then had some water on a gas stove in which to pre-heat the parts, next is the pot containing motor oil (for dropping the parkerized parts into) and the pan containing the parkerizing solution.

After cleaning the parts from the oil that I have dipped them into last week (I used thinners to clean the oil off), the parts went back into the pickling acid, then into the boiling water, then into the parkerizing solution for about 20 minutes, after which they were dropped into the hot motor oil.

Did it work this time?  The answer is partly.  The smaller parts came out nice and black, but the large parts were just a grey colour.  And one can see that the large parts were very thinly coated with gun black.

One of the smaller parts that turned black nicely

After reading some more about it, I am convinced that the large parts were not hot enough when they went into the parkerizing solution.  What I will do next week is to pre-heat them in the oven to about 140 degrees Celsius before I drop them into the parkerizing solution.  Hopefully that will work.

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