Tuesday 23 August 2016

Busy with Another WW2 Article - The Disappearance of the UDF Harley-Davidson's


As I have mentioned before, I have done a lot of research on the use of Harley-Davidson motorcycles by the Union Defence Force of South Africa in World War 2.

I'm currently busy writing my last article on the use of H-D's by the SAUDF in WW2. The SAUDF procured 4,500 H-D's early in WW2 and has used the motorcycles in the East Africa and Madagascar Campaigns. 

They were then moved to North Africa to fight against Rommel (nickname was the Desert Fox). This ding-dong campaign between Britain and Italy / Germany saw Italy gaining valuable ground into Egypt initially. 

The British then pushed them back hundreds of miles into Libya. When Rommel arrived on the scene he quickly took action and pushed the British back into Egypt. 

A small contingent of Australians managed to hang on to Tobruk - a small town with a deep harbour in the Mediterranean Sea. The British managed to resupply this force until it was relieved later.

But this meant that Rommel had to supply his Panzers with fuel and ammunition from a harbour about 400 kilometres to the west of Tobruk. His supply line was about 800 kilometres long. 

After replenishing their forces, the British pushed Rommel way back into Libya. Rommel then replenished his forces and went on the offensive again. But... This time he realised that he has to capture Tobruk and it's harbour. The British have since replaced the Australian troops with two divisions of South African troops (almost 30,000 troops).  So... Rommel focused his entire Panzerarmee on Tobruk. 

Read what happened in the article.

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